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Swim & Lifestyle

Lizzie Shipton

Recent Posts

How to Get the Wavy Wet Hair Look for Mermaid-Inspired Style

It's rare that a celebrity style trend comes along that's easy to reproduce on your own. It's also rare that a hair style works effortlessly with lots of different hair types. So when we heard about [...]

Color Psychology 101: How Colors Affect Your Mood

Color psychology is kind of fascinating. For example, did you know that the color of a food can affect how you perceive the taste? Or that certain colors can actually trigger real physiological [...]

5 Stunning Valentine’s Bikinis for a Love-Filled Beach Look

Valentine's Day isn't usually a holiday we associate with swimsuits. But why shouldn't it be? Sure, the beach may be a little chilly for some of us this time of year, but there's no reason you can't [...]

How to Rock Matching Couples Swimsuits for Your Next Getaway

Matching swimsuits for couples are trending. Why? Well, matching swimwear is a fun, stylish way to proudly rep your boo at the beach! It symbolizes togetherness and the bond you share, plus, it makes [...]

12 Chic & Stylish Resort Swimwear and Coverups

Who said summer was the only time you're allowed to rock a bathing suit? Savvy gals know that a winter tropical getaway or a week by the heated pool at a swanky ski resort is the perfect excuse to [...]

What is Winter Swimwear? Everything You Should Know

Two words you thought you'd never hear together: winter, swimwear. Honestly, it sounds insane doesn't it? Winter swimwear? You're telling me there are people who get in water when it's freezing [...]

Top 10 Romantic Hot Tub Spots in the US for a Winter Getaway

As the days get colder and the nights get longer, it can be tempting to hide away and fall into a winter routine. Get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed early. But be careful! While cozy [...]

Fall-Themed Charcuterie Board Ideas for Cozy Gatherings

When most people think of charcuterie boards, they think of fancy meat and cheese platters served to guests at a cocktail party or afternoon gathering. And while it's true that cocktail parties are a [...]

5 Tips for Achieving Minimalist Clothing Style This Fall

There's something incredibly appealing about the minimalist aesthetic. It's simple, timeless, versatile, and can be a great way to pare down your wardrobe. As summer wraps up and the weather begins [...]

Sweet & Savory Fall Salsa Recipes to Ring in Autumn

When you think of salsa, you probably think of summer. Maybe you're in charge of supplying the chips and dips for the Labor Day barbecue. Maybe you love Taco Tuesdays with the girls (which, let's be [...]