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Swim & Lifestyle

6 Festive Thanksgiving Mocktail Recipes

As the holidays approach, one of the most prominent things on peoples' minds is menu planning. Food and drink are a huge part of what makes the holiday season special: gathering with family and [...]

10 Fun Fall Activities for 1-3 Year Olds

Summer is winding down and the weather is cooling off, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop enjoying happy toddler playtime with your little ones. There are tons of easy crafts, outdoor adventures, [...]

5 Cozy and Warm Fall Pajamas for Women

It's officially fall, which means it's officially pajama season! Full disclosure: if you're like us, pajama season is actually every season, but there's something about the fall weather that makes [...]

Spooktacular Halloween Activities for Kids: Fun & Safe Ideas

The leaves are changing, the temperature is dropping, and we're all too ready to get cozy...

How to Store Bathing Suits to Keep Them in Pristine Condition

You just bought a beautiful new bathing suit and you want to keep it looking that way for as long as possible. We get it! High quality swimsuits are not cheap, and you want to get as many years of [...]

6 Expert Tips for Protecting Your Swimsuit Against Chlorine

Does chlorine damage swimsuit fabric? It's a question many savvy swimsuit owners want to answer. When you invest in a beautiful new swimsuit, you want it to last as long as possible, so it's only [...]

Fun & Unique Swim Looks for Toddler Girls

Summer may be winding down but that doesn't mean the fun has to end! With plenty of states experiencing long, hot days late into the fall, there's still plenty of time to get in a few last beach days [...]

5 Cute College Outfit Ideas for Your First Week

Back to school shopping! It's basically the best part about going back to school, isn't it? And if you're heading to college for the first time, back to school shopping is even more exciting. What's [...]

Labor Day Kids Activities: 10 Fun & Easy Ideas

Historically, Labor Day was a day to celebrate the labor movement and honor American workers. More and more, however, people celebrate Labor Day weekend as the end of summer and the last holiday [...]

Fun and Healthy Summer Drinks for Kids

It's important to stay hydrated and keep kids cool during long, hot summer days, but getting kids to drink enough liquids can be challenging. You don't just want your little ones filling up on soda [...]