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Swim & Lifestyle

Cute Modest Swimsuits for Moms on the Go

With summer upon us, it's time to break out the sun protection and cold drinks and head to the beach or pool for some relaxation, time with the kids, fun in the sun - whatever you want to call it! [...]

Swimsuit Ideas to Catch Ken's Eye

Okay, y'all, the Barbie movie is coming and we are here for it! We played with Barbie toys as kids and we absolutely loved all the fun looks and details she had, plus the #baddie way she dominated [...]

Why You Shouldn't Make Your Own Natural Sunscreen Recipe

We all want what's best for our kids (and ourselves!) These days, with so much conflicting information out there, it can be difficult to know what the best thing is. Blogs by unqualified individuals [...]

Easy & Fun Fourth of July Activities for Kids

Summer is here, and 4th of July is just around the corner! Don't let the holiday sneak up on you - prepare for this year's festivities with some July crafts and activities to keep your kids [...]

Swimsuits for Athletic Bodies: What to Look For

If you're an active girl, you may have experienced some of the frustrations of finding a swimsuit that fits your body shape. All of us struggle to find a flattering look for our swimwear, but active [...]

5 Crucial Factors to Consider When Buying Kids' Swimsuits

Buying swimsuits for kids can be challenging! Kids grow out of bathing suits, and kids swimwear needs to be durable and flexible enough to stand up to the rigors of playtime - sand, salt, chlorine, [...]

5 Stunning Blue Bathing Suit Shades You’ll Want This Summer

Blue swimsuits are in! If you're looking to branch out and add a splash of color to your swimwear wardrobe this summer, you can't go wrong with a classic shade of blue. Blue bathing suits look great [...]

Fun & Modest Swim Tops in 7 Different Styles

Modest swimsuits are in! Sure, some days we love to let it all hang out, but not every occasion calls for the string bikini/coconut bra look. For those days where you want a little more coverage but [...]

Earth-Tone Swimwear Even Mother Nature Will Go Ga-Ga For

Who doesn't love communing with Mother Nature? She's a gentle, beautiful soul who fills us up when we are empty and lifts us up when we are down. If you're looking for ways to honor the beauty of [...]

Inspiring Quotes for Hard Working Moms This Mother's Day

You don't need us to tell you that your hard-working mom is amazing! And if you're a hard-working mom, you don't need us to tell you that you are amazing! (Or maybe you do - sometimes we forget to be [...]