Swim & Lifestyle

August is Sun Safety Month: Top Tips for Staying Protected

Written by Lizzie Shipton | Aug 4, 2024 7:47:39 AM

Summer is here, so it's time to get out there and start enjoying the sunshine! But before you get too carried away taking off all those layers, don't forget to take a moment to review sun safety. It's important for both you and your kids to stay up to date with the latest knowledge about sun exposure and how to stay safe during this time of year.

But guess what? It doesn't have to be a drag! We're here to share 5 ways you and your kids can stay sun-safe this summer—and have fun doing it. Let's dive in!

Celebrating Summer Sun Safety Month 

Sun Safety Month is celebrated every year in August as a way to remind people about the dangers of sun exposure and how to keep themselves protected.

Hanging out in the sun is kind of a double-edged sword: on the one hand you need that Vitamin D, and getting outside in the fresh air to swim, run, hike, or engage in other physical activities is the best way to combat depression and anxiety.

On the other hand, there are lots of ways getting too much sun can be bad for you: skin cancer, eye damage, dehydration, and heat stroke are all less-than-fun things that can happen if you or your kids get too much sun.

So let's look at some of the ways you can keep yourself and your family protected this year.

5 Ways to Stay Protected from the Sun's Rays 

Cover Up

The number one way to stay safe from the sun (okay, besides spending time indoors) is to cover up. Even a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) can't protect your skin from sun damage as well as long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, cover-ups, and pants.

The good news is, protective clothing doesn't have to be restricting or unfashionable. Your kids (especially older kids like teens) may be averse to covering up because they're afraid of looking silly or having their movement restricted, but there is lots of very fashionable sun-protective clothing on the market these days.

Make it fun! Take your kids (and yourself!) on a small summer shopping spree at the beginning of summer, and look for outfits like you would for back-to-school. Make summer shopping as fun and exciting as back-to-school shopping and get your kids excited about wearing long-sleeved swim tops and broad-brimmed hats.

Don't Go Out During Peak Sun Hours

Try to stay indoors during mid-day hours, and have a few indoor activities prepared so kids don't get bored. Jigsaw puzzles, arts and crafts, reading, or, heck, even a nap are great ways to rest and recharge from the morning activities so you can hit the afternoon rejuvenated and ready to play.

Reapply Sunscreen Frequently

Lots of kids - especially little kids - hate having sunscreen put on them. So make reapplying sunscreen a game for your little ones. Try drawing fun patterns like dots and squiggles on their arms and legs with the bottle before you rub it in. Use a makeup sponge or applicator to let kids rub the sunscreen in themselves. Take turns putting sunscreen on each other, or play some fun music and make it part of your "getting ready" routine.

Need help getting sunscreen out of bathing suits at the end of your beach day? Check out this guide.

Drink Plenty of Water

Have you ever considered giving out a prize to whichever kid drinks the most water in a day? Have you ever considered giving yourself a prize for drinking enough water in a day? You might want to consider it. Small prizes like stickers, or an extra scoop of ice cream can go a long way in convincing kids to hydrate.

Teach Your Kids the Five S's

Having a helpful mnemonic is a great way to help kids remember important things, and sun safety is no exception. So teach your kids the Five S's of Sun Safety: Slip, Slap, Slop, Slide, and Shade.

If there was one more S we'd add to this list, it would be Sip! Sip on fresh, cool water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

How Sun Safety Methods Have Evolved

Sun protection has improved greatly in the last few decades. We used to believe UV exposure was good for us and that a "healthy tan" indicated glowing skin. Now, we know the harmful effects of Ultraviolet radiation.

Spending time in tanning beds and being outside too much during the summer months leads to increased risk of skin cancer and all kinds of other issues. Protect your kids' delicate skin and your own skin too this summer, and make sure to educate yourself on signs of skin cancer so you can keep your family safe this year and for many years to come.